Kelly Flansburg – eSKay Arts Collective

Kelly Flansburg studied Creative Arts in Therapy with a concentration in Dance Therapy at Russell Sage College. Kelly is trained in ballet and contemporary with a focus in modern dance. She has trained with Madeline Cantarella Culpo, Complexions Contemporary Ballet, Carolyn Adams, Erika Pujic, Francesca Harper and many more. Kelly attended the New York State Summer School of the Arts during high school and is now assistant director of administration for the program. Kelly has been fortunate enough to perform works created by Isadora Duncan, May O’Donnell, Jose Limon, and Robert Battle. Since Kelly has moved to the city she has explored many aspects of the dance world from teaching to performing. She currently is working at the Williamsburg Movement and Arts Center as a Teaching Artist and administration she is also on staff at the Steffi Nossen School as their Modern Core teacher and Moving Wheels and Heels Program. She has recently worked with Bryce Dance Company and Jinah Parker’s Project SHE. Kelly is always looking to explore today’s societal topics through dance and share her passion with many different communities of people.

eSKay PC Shannon Reynolds
